How yoga can support lymphatic flow
The lymphatic system is an important part of our immune system that helps to eliminate toxins and waste from the body, regulates fluid and controls immune response. A movement or exercise practice can help lymph move through the lymphatic system by using muscle contraction to help stimulate lymphatic flow.
Yoga can be particularly helpful due to its range of movements that both stretch and strengthen, compress and release, and are both dynamic and long held with a full body focus.
There are four key areas that are most important in a yoga practice to help influence lymphatic flow. Focusing on the lymph nodes in the neck, under arm, torso (chest and abdomen), and groin area.
The types of movement we would use for lymphatic circulation would be:
Deep breathing - Deep diaphragmatic breathing is one of the easiest ways to move lymphatic fluid though your lymphatic system. As this system has no active pump this diaphragmatic or belly breathing helps to stimulate and activate the lymphatic system creating an internal pump.
Stretching and opening - The positioning of the the superficial lymph nodes around the joints allows movement to facilitate lymphatic flow. Areas such as the neck & shoulder, hip & groin can benefit from being stretched and opened in movements such as deep lunges & squats, lotus pose, cow face pose and side bending.
Twisting and compression - Twisting poses stimulate the lymphatic system with gentle compression and help the connective tissue to release. Examples of these poses are deep twists that include the neck and head, eagle pose and other bound poses.
Front opening poses - The abdomen houses deeper lymph nodes throughout the belly and digestive tract. Many of our wonderful yoga poses can help to open and lengthen the front body to stimulate this deep flow. Poses of benefit include wheel pose, reclined hero, camel and half camel, bow and fish pose.
Dynamic repetitions - Dynamic movement is also very useful for stimulating or pumping the lymphatic system. Physical activity encourages fluid to drain. This changing pressure from muscle contraction helps to pump lymphatic fluid through the system. Many of our key yoga sequences include dynamic repetitions like lunges, squats, leg pumps, dynamic rotations and sun salutations.
Inversions - Inversions can help by assisting the lymphatic flow of the extremities and torso that work against gravity and can enhance lymphatic return back to the heart. Examples of beneficial inversions are legs up the wall, waterfall pose and shoulder stand.
Yoga can be a simple and accessible way to support your lymphatic system. Even the simplest moves can start to create change.
Bec is a Yoga Instructor and Shiatsu & Acupressure Pracitioner. Bec has been practising yoga for more than 20 years, with particular emphasis on styles that incorporate the healing benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine.