The Benefits Of Taking NAC For Fertility, Respiratory and Heart Health

We have a wonderful antioxidant in the clinic called NAC.  N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a plant antioxidant naturally found in onions, is a precursor to glutathione. Consuming adequate NAC is essential for various health reasons, including replenishing the most potent antioxidant in your body, glutathione. Glutathione is an important compound that aids with neutralising free radicals known to damage cells and tissues in the body. These amino acids also help with chronic respiratory conditions, immune health, fertility, and heart and brain health.

In the clinic, we prescribe NAC for stress and immune dysfunction. Due to its capacity to break down biofilms and improve antibiotic permeability.  It is excellent as a detox working on the Liver and kidney, aiding with any damage from drugs or medications taken that can affect these two organs.  It is also used to regulate glutamate levels within the brain, helping alleviate symptoms associated with mental health conditions and reducing cravings for substance abuse.

NAC can relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions by acting as an antioxidant and expectorant, loosening mucus in your air passageways.  As an antioxidant, it helps replenish the glutathione levels within the lungs, reducing inflammation in the bronchial tubes and lung tissue. 

It has improved fertility in those with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Or recurrent unexplained pregnancy loss.  In male infertility, NAC reduces oxidative stress, which can damage or kill reproductive cells. 

NAC is also used in chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). It has an action in managing COPD with both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity that can assist with local airway swelling—also prescribed for those with diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and cataract and dry eye syndrome.  

NAC can be used in conjunction with antibiotics or any other antimicrobial medicines.  If you have been suffering from ear infections, sinusitis, tonsillitis or infected adenoids, then NAC is your go-to, as it reduces bacteria within these affected areas.  

NAC supplements are a viable treatment option for multiple health conditions and are available within the clinic; you can book a herbal consultation with Melinda for more information. She is a Dr Traditional Chinese Medicine, Buteyko Breath Instructor, and Calmbirth Educator. She is the owner of Beattie Street Health Studio in Balmain. 

Melinda Webb

Melinda has worked in holistic health since 2008, combining care with education. She founded Beattie Street Health Studio, a Dr Chinese medicine, Buteyko Breathwork Instructor and Antenatal Educator.

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