Michelle is a degree-qualified naturopath, with a passion for helping your body find its natural balance, offering a holistic and realistic approach to achieving optimal health.

Michelle has a particular interest in both adult and children’s gut health, auto-immune conditions, women’s hormonal health including perimenopause, anxiety, stress management and metabolic health. Having experienced the challenges of living with a chronic auto-immune disease since her teens, Michelle’s goal is to help other people navigate through their own health challenges and achieve and maintain good health. As a mum herself, Michelle enjoys supporting the health and wellbeing of parents, babies and children through the transition phases of pre-conception, pregnancy and beyond.

About Michelle

Michelle was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease called ulcerative colitis in her late teens and understands what it’s like to struggle with your health day after day, wondering how long you’ll be in remission and when your next flare up will be.

Her primary motivation as a Naturopath is to help people struggling with chronic illness and other health challenges, as well as supporting families to maximise their health and be part of their ‘team’ keeping them on the road to feeling well and staying well.

“My interest in natural health came about because I realised through my own lived experience, good health is one of the most valuable things we can possess. It’s something worth investing in, to give yourself the chance to live your best life, for yourself and everyone else who is important in your life”.

In partnership with specialised functional pathology labs, Michelle offers referrals for testing such as:

  • Microbiome mapping/stool testing

  • SIBO breath test

  • myDNA nutrigenomics testing

  • DUTCH hormone profile

  • Organic acids testing (OAT)

    • Adult and children’s digestive health: constipation, reflux, bloating, IBS, SIBO, IBD (Crohn’s disease/ulcerative colitis)

    • Auto-immunity

    • Pregnancy and post-partum support for mother and baby

    • Women’s hormonal health including menstrual irregularities and perimenopause/menopause

    • Anxiety and stress management

    • Metabolic health

    • Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)

    • Practitioner member of Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA)


Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

  • During the initial consultation, a detailed case history is taken, including a review of previous medical history and any recent pathology results. This detailed case history will enable Michelle to understand your health priorities and develop a holistic picture of your current physical and mental health, diet and lifestyle, and any challenges you are facing. Naturopathic physical assessments such as tongue, nail and iris analysis may also be undertaken. Michelle will work with you to establish what your health priorities are and provide you with a customised treatment plan and prescription specific to your needs.

    As part of your treatment plan, particular nutritional supplements, customised herbal medicines, and flower essences may be prescribed, or referrals provided to other health professionals which will support your health goals. Your personal prescription will also take into consideration any medications you have been prescribed by your GP or other supplements you are currently taking. Functional pathology testing may also be recommended at this initial appointment if relevant to your health concerns. Please note: any prescribed supplements or functional testing is at an additional cost.

  • Appointments are approximately 60 minutes.

  • $200.00

    24-hour notice for cancellations or rescheduled appointments is necessary to avoid a cancellation fee.

    This appointment policy allows us to develop mutual consideration & respect for our time & yours and allows us time to schedule another patient who would benefit from treatment.

    The cancellation fee under 24 hours is 100% of the session cost.

Follow Up Consultation

Follow Up Consultation

  • The follow up appointment usually occurs 2-3 weeks after the initial consultation. At this appointment Michelle will review your treatment plan, discuss your progress, successes and challenges and agree on the next steps forward. If applicable, the results of any initial functional pathology testing will be discussed. Where necessary health goals may need to be re-established or refined and further pathology testing or referrals may be required.

    Michelle will advise if a Regular or Extended follow-up is required.

    There is also a 30 minute acute follow-up option.

  • Acute Follow Ups are 30 minutes, Regular Follow-ups are approximately 45 minutes and an extended follow up is 60 mins.

  • $95 -$200.00 (depending on Regular, Acute or extended)

    24-hour notice for cancellations or rescheduled appointments is necessary to avoid a cancellation fee.

    This appointment policy allows us to develop mutual consideration & respect for our time & yours and allows us time to schedule another patient who would benefit from treatment.

    The cancellation fee under 24 hours is 100% of the session cost.

Follow Up Acute Consultation

Follow Up Acute Consultation

  • A shorter follow up consultation for existing adult patients and children. This may be for acute cold and flu symptoms, supplement advice pre and post travelling, immune support, sleep remedies or refining an existing prescription.

  • Appointments are approximately 30 minutes.

  • $95.00

    24-hour notice for cancellations or rescheduled appointments is necessary in order to avoid a cancellation fee . This allows us time to schedule another patient that would benefit from treatment.

    This appointment policy allows us to develop mutual consideration & respect for our time & yours. The cancellation fee under 12 hours is 50% of the session price, less than 12 hours is 100% of session cost.

Get Started Package

Get Started Package

  • An introductory package to kick start your journey to better health

    One initial consultation

    & Two follow-up consultations

  • 1 x 60 min initial consultation

    2 x 45 min follow up consultations

  • $430.00

    24-hour notice for cancellations or rescheduled appointments is necessary in order to avoid a cancellation fee . This allows us time to schedule another patient that would benefit from treatment.

    This appointment policy allows us to develop mutual consideration & respect for our time & yours. The cancellation fee under 12 hours is 50% of the session price, less than 12 hours is 100% of session cost.

Keep on Track Package

Keep on Track Package

  • A block of follow up consultations to keep the momentum going, or just get your health back on track!

    3 x 45 min follow up consultations.

  • 3 x 45 min follow up consultations.

  • $320

    24-hour notice for cancellations or rescheduled appointments is necessary in order to avoid a cancellation fee . This allows us time to schedule another patient that would benefit from treatment.

    This appointment policy allows us to develop mutual consideration & respect for our time & yours. The cancellation fee under 12 hours is 50% of the session price, less than 12 hours is 100% of session cost.

Mother & Baby Wellness Package

Mother & Baby Wellness Package

  • Support for mums and bubs during the prenatal and postnatal period to provide a solid foundation for pregnancy, childbirth, adjustment to life with baby and early childhood.

  • 1 x 60 min initial consultation

    4 x 30 min follow up consultations

  • $500

    24-hour notice for cancellations or rescheduled appointments is necessary in order to avoid a cancellation fee . This allows us time to schedule another patient that would benefit from treatment.

    This appointment policy allows us to develop mutual consideration & respect for our time & yours. The cancellation fee under 12 hours is 50% of the session price, less than 12 hours is 100% of session cost.