The benefits of prenatal yoga.

Prenatal yoga is a well rounded approach to exercise that encourages both stretching and strengthening, mindful awareness, relaxation, and focused breathing.

Prenatal classes are structured in a way that supports the changing body. Classes offer pregnant women healthy, safe ways to stretch their tight muscles and strengthen their bodies. Prenatal yoga tones and strengthens the pelvis, hip, and core muscles, which can help to ease the weight and pressure of a growing belly.

Practicing prenatal yoga helps to minimise the aches and pains that are often problematic during pregnancy. Targeted movements can help to ease lower back pain, soften a tight neck and shoulders, relieve headaches and fatigue, and create more space for the breath. It can also assist to improve circulation and blood flow.

A prenatal practice helps the body prepare for labor and delivery. Movements such as hip openers and side and front stretching can help create space for the baby to more easily enter optimal positioning for labor and birth. Prenatal yoga also increases the strength and endurance of muscles needed for birthing.

One of the loveliest parts of a yoga practice while pregnant is the opportunity to establish or strengthen the connection with your baby. Using mindfulness and breathing techniques, each week is a gentle reminder to take the time out of a busy life to nurture the bond with your growing baby.

And perhaps the greatest benefit of pre-natal yoga is the space it creates to let the body and mind fully relax. This can help reduce stress, improve sleep quality and help with an overall sense of wellness and calm.

To book a private prenatal yoga class

Prenatal classes are currently running Wednesdays 7.30pm 

Melinda Webb

Melinda has worked in holistic health since 2008, combining care with education. She founded Beattie Street Health Studio, a Dr Chinese medicine, Buteyko Breathwork Instructor and Antenatal Educator.

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