Heart Moves -5 Simple Moves to Restore Heart Energy.
Heart energy is complex and fragile. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the spirit or ‘shen’ resides within the heart. When we encounter shock, illness or heartbreak, the heart and spirit can become damaged, and our energy can seem withdrawn. If the heart is not nurtured, it can lead to feelings of isolation and make us feel disconnected from the world around us.
Locust Variation
Lying on your belly, extend your arms out wide and press them down to lift your torso.
Activate the inner arm to the armpit.
Slowly lengthen and lift one leg at a time on an out breath.
Inhale to lower.
Repeat x 4
Puppy Pose
From hands and knees, extend arms out in front, straight. The head can be facing forward or the forehead down.
Lengthen arms straight, stretch chest to mat.
Hold and breathe.
Fish Pose Variation
From your back, take your arms to right angles. Press down with the back of the arm to lift and open the chest.
If you are comfortable here, you can slide right up into fish pose on the top of the head.
Hold and breathe.
Wide Leg Hip Lift
From your back, take your legs wide and arms to shoulder height.
Press down with legs and arms to lift hips off the floor on an out-breath.
Keep limbs straight.
Inhale to lower.
Repeat x 4
Right Angle Twist
From your back, bring your arms and legs to right angles.
Take your knees to one side and turn your head the opposite way.
Press firmly through the back of the arms.
Hold and breathe.
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